
Policy to Progress

Thank you for helping us lead the conversation on the state of carbon removal in Canada. This gathering brought together climate experts, policymakers, innovators, and community and corporate leaders to build momentum toward a robust carbon removal ecosystem in Canada.

This year’s theme was Policy to Progress: Thank you for joining us in Ottawa to discuss current solutions in action, how we can continue to drive innovation, build an inclusive industry, and create the conditions for scaling carbon removal technologies.

Event Details

Thursday, February 27, 2025
9:00 AM – 6:00 PM EST
National Arts Centre

The event featured:

  • Panel discussions on Canada’s carbon removal landscape and global best practices
  • Interactive roundtables on scaling demand, navigating regulations, and fostering Canada’s next generation of carbon removal technology
  • A networking reception from 5:00 to 6:00 PM with food and drinks
With support from

The agenda. February 27, 2025


9:00 – 9:30 Open Registration
9:25 – 9:30

Video Presentation & Opening Remarks

Na’im Merchant, Carbon Removal Canada
Drew Leyburne, Natural Resources Canada

9:30 – 9:45

Presentation: Making Sense of the Canadian Carbon Removal Ecosystem
Hear from Carbon Removal Canada’s Executive Director on the many developments that have grown Canada’s carbon removal advantage over the last year, and are propelling us forward on a data collection tool made just for Canada.

Na’im Merchant, Carbon Removal Canada

9:45 – 10:00

Presentation: Strengthening our National Carbon Removal Sector
The B.C. Centre for Innovation and Clean Energy will announce an exciting new stage for its involvement in the carbon removal sector, and detail how companies can get involved.

Chantelle Carden, B.C. Centre for Innovation and Clean Energy
Natasha Bernardi, Carbon Removal Canada

10:00 – 10:45

Industry Consultation: Procuring Carbon Removal through the Low-Carbon Fuel Procurement Program
Participate in a government-led industry consultation session that will seek feedback on the many decisions the Government of Canada is making as it brings Canada’s first ever carbon removal procurement program online.

Michael Bernstein, Carbon Removal Canada / Clean Prosperity 
Chris Lindberg, Treasury Board Secretariat
Malcolm Edwards, Treasury Board Secretariat
Monica Reed, Treasury Board Secretariat / Natural Resources Canada

10:45 – 11:00 Break / Networking
11:00 – 11:30

Panel: How are We Growing the Project Pipeline?
Hear from carbon removal companies and partners about ongoing project development activities in Canada, as they provide unique insights into the challenges they encounter and how to navigate them.

Michael Maracle-Polak, Akwekon Enterprises
Luke Connell, Carbon Run
Phil De Luna, Deep Sky
Stacy Kauk, Isometric
Vida Gabriel, TerraFixing

11:30 – 12:00

Panel: Showing our Work – How is the carbon removal sector building trust and integrity?
Explore the concepts of building trust and integrity in a new sector, and how we can be sure we’re running fast – and in the right direction – from the perspective of government, non-profits, and corporate actors.

Anu Khan, Carbon Removal Standards Initiative
Jackie Mercer, Environment and Climate Change Canada
JP Jepp, Nexus Climate & Energy Strategy
Jim Mann, UNDO

12:00 – 1:00 Lunch / Networking
1:00 – 1:45 Roundtable: Keep Canada Competitive — What should be next on the Canadian policy horizon?
Help shape the carbon removal sector’s future by discussing and debating the newest policy developments from across the globe, and figuring out how to capitalize on Canada’s natural advantages to lead growth at home and abroad.
1:45 – 2:30

Panel: There’s Something in Carbon Removal for Everyone — Are we building enduring relationships to advance the sector?
Permanent carbon removal is no longer a nice to have, rather it’s a necessity of any sort of credible environmental
platform and economic strategy. Hear from stakeholders how they’re talking about carbon removal and planning to keep progress moving in the future.

Ed Whittingham, Advance
Daniel Kelter, Carbon Removal Canada
Lucy Hargreaves, Patch

2:30 – 3:15 Roundtable: Setting a North Star — How should carbon removal contribute to success?
While important, carbon removal as an integral pillar of the clean transition is new, so how are we thinking about target setting? Debate with colleagues how to best go about setting targets and avoiding pitfalls.
3:15 – 3:45 Break / Networking
3:45 – 4:15

Panel: Is the Industry Investment Ready?
Hear what investors and other financial actors have to say about the industry’s current financial readiness and what steps would help to de-risk capital support.

Gregoire Baillargeon, BMO
Jane Kearns, Evok Innovations
Matteo Cimellaro, National Observer
Mike Kelland, Planetary Technologies
Adam Fraser, Terraset

4:15 – 4:30

Presentation: Getting to Gigatonne
Hear about exciting new developments in the global carbon removal sector that are sure to be key in rapidly and responsibly scaling carbon removal, and what needs to get done now so we can be successful tomorrow.

Noah Deich, Carbon180

4:30 – 4:45

Fireside Chat: What can the sector do today so we’re successful tomorrow?
Join Na’im and Noah for a follow-up fireside chat to dive into the details about the future of carbon removal, and what it will actually take to get there.

Noah Deich, Carbon180
Na’im Merchant, Carbon Removal Canada

4:45 – 5:00 Closing Remarks by Na’im Merchant
5:00 – 6:00 Networking Reception
Presented by B.C. Centre for Innovation and Clean Energy

See photos and read our key takeaways from our first ever Carbon Removal Day for a preview of what the event looks like

Na'im speaks at podium in front of Carbon Removal Day slide.
Executive Director Na’im Merchant makes opening remarks.
Two men and a woman speak on a panel at Carbon Removal Day.
Ed Whittingham of the Energy vs. Climate podcast moderates the panel “What is the Role of Carbon Removal in a Net-Zero Future?” featuring Navjot Sandhu of Carbon Engineering and Dale Beugin of the Canadian Climate Institute.
Man speaks at podium in front of DOE Carbon Removal Purchase Prize slide.
Noah Deich from the US Department of Energy speaks about the Carbon Removal Purchase Prize.

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