Join us in working to clean up Canada’s atmosphere.
Your donations go directly to helping us conduct research and advocate for policies that can effectively scale carbon removal solutions. In other words, your support makes a difference towards meeting Canada’s climate goals and spurring domestic innovation.
We are a registered charity, so donors will receive a charitable tax receipt.
Our charitable number is: 70574 9216 RR 0001
Donation FAQs
How do I download a tax receipt?
You can do this through your CanadaHelps account. You can read more here. If, however, you still cannot access your receipt, email us at [email protected] and we will be able to help you.
Is your website secure?
Donations go through CanadaHelps, a secure donation used by thousands of Canadian charities. As per their website, “CanadaHelps complies with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS), which means [they] invest significant time and resources in updating and enhancing [their] payment security.” You can read more here.
How do I cancel my monthly donation?
You can do this through your CanadaHelps account. You can read more here.
How do I update my credit card information?
You can do this through your CanadaHelps account. You can read more here.